ONYX has been awarded the lucrative seven-year waste management contract for Basingstoke and Deane.

Councillors approved recommendations that the company should take over the contract, which is worth about £2.5 million, at a Cabinet meeting last Wednesday.

Onyx will be responsible for refuse collection, kerbside recycling, commercial waste collection and "bring recycling" - collecting the products that people have taken to specific recycling centres.

The borough council's own Direct Service Organisation will continue to collect bulk household waste - empty the dustbins - at homes throughout the area.

Councillors also agreed that the Local Government Association, (LGA) and Central Government (DETR) be informed of Basingstoke and Deane's concern at the lack of competitiveness in the waste management field, and the increased costs of meeting the Government recycling targets.

However, speaking at the meeting, Cllr George Hood said: "The 25 per cent recycling target compares favourably with Swe-den, Denmark and Norway.

"It has also been suggested that we compare very favourably with other local authorities."

After the meeting, Cabinet chairman and council leader Cllr Brian Gurden said the new contract would cost £500,000 more than the current one, which is held by the firm Biffa and expires in April.

Biffa also bid to continue its existing contract but Onyx put in the cheaper of the two submissions.