Today's Principal Arrivings:
Ville De Tanya, container, 0600, 206; Maersk teal, ro/ro, 0730, Marchwood; Coppename, refrigerat, 0830, 101W; Kovdor, bulk, 0930, 36; Southern carrier, ro/ro, 1030, 25 link; Sir Bedivere, military, 1030, 46; HMS Portugal, container, AM, Con Term; OOCL Harmony, container, 207, 1400; APL Malayasia, container, 1500, 205; Celtic King, container, 1600, 205W; Cap Finisterre, container, 1900, 204; Aasfjord, general, 2345, 109.

Today's Principal Sailings:
Porto Express, ferry, 0200, 25 link; OOCL Haven, container, 1900, 204; Burdur, bulk, PM, 107; Magic, refrigerat, PM, 104; Southern Carrier, ro/ro, PM, 25 link; Ville De tanya, container, PM, 206.

Tommorrow's Principal Arrivings:
Sea Centurion, ro/ro, 0930, Marchwood; APL Cyprine, container, TBA, Con Term; NYK Andromeda, container, TBA, Con Term.

Tommorrow's Principal Sailings:
OOCL Harmony, container, 0400, 207; Celtic King, container, AM, Con Term; Cap Finisterre, container, 1900, 204; Alexandra I, bulk, PM, 47; APL Malayasia, container, TBA, 205.

Fuel movements:
Today's Esso Fawley and BP movements: Arrivals: Northern Bell, 0720, Esso 4; Rodenbek, AM, Esso; Victoire, AM, Esso; Wincanton, AM, Esso; Barmouth, PM, Esso 6; Fejna Kosan, PM, Esso 1.

Positions of ships at Noon today:
Eastern Docks: 25 link Southern carrier; 36 Kovdor; 42 Calshot; 46 Sir Bedivere. Western Docks: 101W Coppename. Container Port: 206 OOCL Haven; 206 Ville De Tanya.