So, how are all those new year resolutions to keep fit going? By now, most of us have already fallen by the wayside. It's not even February yet and that membership to the gym looks like money wasted. With the best will in the world, it can be hard to keep motivated.

Two women from Southampton who know all about motivation are Julie-Ann Bower and Anne-Marie Bayley. These highly experienced keep-fit instructors have joined forces to offer a personal training service to clients in the comfort of their own home - just like the Hollywood stars have, but without the exorbitant fee attached.

Julie-Ann, who has a Masters degree in physical education and over 20 years experience in the fitness industry said: " Many of our clients don't like going to the gym. They find the atmosphere too intimidating or too competitive. By having one-to-one tuition in the comfort of their home, they can get away from all this and work to their own pace.

"Time is a big factor for many people too, and by having us come to their home means no time wasted for them travelling and they can fit their work-out into hours to suit them. It's just so much more convenient."

Fitness professional Anne-Marie who has been teaching and running gyms for ten years added: "People always start with good intentions, then get side-tracked. Many don't know where to start when it comes to a fitness regime. With an experienced training buddy like me, I can advise them on exactly the right exercises to suit them and check they are doing them correctly. Plus, I can give advice on diet and nutrition. Eating properly can make keeping fit a lot easier."

So when it comes to putting her clients through their paces, does she crack the whip? "Exercise has got to be enjoyable for the person doing it otherwise it becomes a chore and that's when people give up," said Anne-Marie. The key to a good personal trainer is to motivate rather than dictate."

n Personal training sessions with Julie-Ann or Anne-Marie cost £25-£30 per hour.

They also offer training sessions for groups in company gyms.

Elite Fitness Training Services

Tel: 023 80 787131 or 023 80 470167