A HEAVILY-pregnant teenager has hit out at a Hampshire bus company for failing to provide a good service to expectant mums.

Jayne-Ann Baker, 17, who is eight-and-a-half months pregnant, claims she boarded a bus to travel to an ante-natal appointment but only had a £5 note to pay the £1.90 fare.

She said the driver rudely told her he did not have enough change and left her to stand and wait another half-an-hour for the next bus.

She claims she complained to Solent Blue Line about her treatment on the service from Freemantle to Totton, but has not had an apology.

Jayne-Ann, of Millbrook Road East, Southampton, said: "Whenever this has happened before, the driver has offered to give the change when arriving at the destination after picking up other fares. But this time he just offered me no other alternative but to get off the bus and wait for another one."

Peter Shelley, Solent Blue Line operations director, said he had no knowledge of Miss Baker's complaint and urged her to write in so he could "look into it personally".

He added: "Our policy is never to refuse travel so there's obviously a difference between what Miss Baker is saying and what should be the case. I am surprised and disappointed to hear this."