FOUR sacked Basingstoke firefighters have vowed to take Hampshire fire brigade to an employment tribunal on the grounds of unfair dismissal.

Barry Kearley, Richard Thoroughgood, Bernie Ross and Steve Dunbar have been discussing the matter with their barrister and have decided to take the action following last week's case involving Simon Green, Steve Ash and Richard Carrington.

Last Friday, an employment tribunal found these three union officials had been unfairly prevented from carrying out their duties by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Speaking to The Gazette this week, Mr Kearley said: "We need an independent hearing and are confident that we will be vindicated of all charges and that truth, honesty and justice will prevail when our case is heard outside the fire service.

"We are all extremely pleased with the outcome of last week's tribunal because it's indicated to us that outside of the fire service cocoon there is fairness to be had."

Mr Kearley continued: "This whole process, lasting almost two years, has cost the taxpayer dearly.

"The senior managers and chief fire officer of Hampshire should be fully investigated and made accountable for every penny spent.

"These senior officers are paid highly to serve their public.

"Many people have suffered during the past two years, not just the individuals who have faced disciplinary action and various hearings, but their families, friends and colleagues who have helped fight for a fair hearing and justice.

"Employer/employee relations must now be at an all time low within the service.

"There is a lack of trust and faith and a general feeling of worry about job security and who will go next in this witch-hunt."

A fifth Red Watch firefighter, Eddie Burrows, was also found guilty of a disciplinary offence. He was fined and reinstated.

Cllr June Watson, who sat on the original panel which dealt with the five firemen, said she felt that they had been "well represented" at their hearing.