ROAD safety campaigners have expressed anger and alarm at the speed of traffic using one of the busiest routes in the New Forest.

Now special signs are to be installed in Gosport Lane, Lyndhurst, in a bid to persuade drivers to stop flouting the 30mph limit.

Residents have spent years calling for action to prevent motorists driving along the road at speeds of up to 60mph.

Regulations prevent the use of "repeater" speed signs in 30mph zones.

But New Forest Road Safety Council has found a way to overcome the restrictions after studying speed control measures in London.

The group is planning to install two temporary signs that will look markedly different from conventional symbols.

County road safety officer Ernie Sage said: "They've got to be temporary - and they can't replicate ordinary road signs."

The words "Think 30mph" will be printed in white letters on a blue background.

One of the £100 signs will be installed near the back entrance to Appletree Court, headquarters of New Forest District Council.

Gosport Lane is a busy dual carriageway linking Lyndhurst High Street with the A35 and the A337 - the two main roads through the New Forest.

Drivers heading for the Brockenhurst area travel alongside motorists on their way to villages in the Burley and New Milton direction.

Campaigners say motorists often speed up when they start to emerge from the village centre.

Hythe councillor Stan Wade told fellow members of the road safety council: "Drivers go from Ashurst to Lyndhurst at speeds of up to 60mph.

"They might slow down when they enter the village, but then the road opens up again - and off they go."

Lyndhurst councillor Pat Wyeth said the police carried out regular speed checks in the Gosport Lane area.