Fareham residents now have the chance to honour people young and old who have given outstanding or courageous service to the community.

Fareham Borough Council is seeking nominations for the borough's Young Citizen of the Year, who must be under 18, and also Citizens of Honour.

In the Young Citizen category, residents are being asked to nominate a young person who has shown unselfish kindness, is dedicated to a particular group or organisation, or who has performed an act of bravery or courage in a difficult or frightening situation.

The same goes for the Citizens of Honour 2001 award, which officially recognises the tireless efforts made by individuals for others. It could be a friend, relative or neighbour who helps others before themselves, shows dedication and never looks for praise.

Nomination forms are available from Fareham Civic Offices, libraries, Tourist Information Centre and community centres - or from Emma Norman on 01329-824598. Closing date is January 27.