Over the past few weekends the Sway fencers have been involved in both Hampshire and Southern region championships and Pete Vicerey represented Great Britain at the Paralympics.

Peter reached the last 12 in both foil and sabre and is hoping to go to the World Championships in Spain in 2110.

In the Hampshire Epee Dave Capstick reached the quarter finals and Clive Turner was knocked out from the last 16. Dave Capstick narrowly missed out on reaching the quarter finals in the Southern Region Epee and in the Women's Epee Liz Foot fenced very well to finish fourth.

In the Southern Region Ladies Sabre Championships Lucy Gibbs came a creditable third and followed this up with second in the Hampshire Sabre. This was a good result since Lucy has only recently taken up this weapon. In the Men's event the veteran Clive Turner, in his first season back after a 26 year break, started well but lost his hopes of third place when he ran out of steam losing 15-12.

The Epee team came second in the County Championships and the Club is planning a few inter-club matches to give several of their promising beginners some competition experience.

Anyone wishing to try the sport will be welcome at the club which meets on a Monday at Sway Village Hall from 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. For more information phone 01590 622756.