THE loss of Webbs has prompted New Forest West MP Desmond Swayne to table a Parliamentary Question at the earliest opportunity.

"I shall be asking what additional resources will be granted to the employment service in Lymington to enable them to help in this situation," said Mr Swayne.

"In a community the size of Lymington, this number of job losses is a high proportion, even if many were part-time.

"These jobs were critical to the economics of many families, and the offer of employment elsewhere, such as Telford, would not be of any help.

"I also want to know why the Lymington factory is the one having to close."

Mr Swayne said he was seeking a meeting with the Production Director at Webbs to find out why Lymington has been selected for closure.

"What is wrong - is it our planning policies or our infrastructure?" he asked.