ANDOVER police are adopting a zero tolerance attitiude towards a spate of racist incidents against ethnic minorities this year.

There have been five cases of racial abuse or activity since 1 January, mainly against takeaway outlets and restaurants in the town.

On two occasions eggs were thrown at windows and once the perpetrators bought a takeaway in one shop and then threw it on the floor of another restaurant, shouting racial abuse at the staff.

In a suspected racial incident against a member of the ethnic community in Sheppard Square a wheelie bin was set alight. A fence also caught fire and the total damage amounted to £70.

Pc Ted Reynolds said the police were concerned about the number of incidents in such a short period of time and officers are keen to nip it in the bud.

He said: "There have been a number of incidents with racial overtones, typically when the perpetrators are in drink."

But youngsters are also involved, although police are not sure whether they are mimicking their elders or acting independently.

"Although we appreciate that these incidents are committed by the minority, we take them very seriously," said Pc Reynolds.

"We will adopt a zero tolerance policy in relation to these incidents and the perpetrators can expect to be dealt with harshly in the courts."