A PENSIONER died after being hit by a motorcycle in Southampton city centre, an inquest was told.

Martha Nicholson, who lived in Southampton, was struck as she crossed Hanover Buildings.

The 83-year-old was taken to the city general hospital after the accident on June 21 last year, but died the following day from severe head injuries.

An investigation revealed that the motorcyclist, Anthony Cox, a student, was travelling within the 30mph speed limit.

The inquest was told that Mr Cox tried to brake after he spotted the pensioner on the road but his bike careered into her after one of its wheels locked.

Eye-witness Deane Harris, a bus driver, said she did not see the pensioner look both ways before crossing the road.

Southampton coroner Keith Wiseman recorded a verdict of accidental death.

He said: "The information provided to me is that she was very fit and led a very active and well-travelled life.

"I'm sure this has been a devastating event for everyone to cope with."