A SUPERSTORE has apologised for selling out-of-date baby food to the parents of a five-month-old girl.

The couple from Black Dam said they were "absolutely disgusted" when they realised that they had bought baby food that was 15 days past the recommended shelf life from Basingstoke's Safeway store.

It was only when Lisa Wells, 20, opened one of the pots of baby yoghurt to feed her five-month-old baby, Bethany Harford, on New Year's Day, that she noticed the date stamped on the top was 18/12.

She phoned her taxi driver partner, Robin Harford, who was working.

"I can't describe the feeling I had when she phoned me and told me," said Mr Harford, 28."Not everyone can read and understand sell and use-by dates."

The couple, who live in Holbein Close, went back to the store on Tuesday.

"They were very apologetic and offered us a £25 voucher and a bottle of wine," said Mr Harford. "But we refused to accept it because we felt it was like saying: 'have this and everything will be alright'.

"We could have ended up feeding out-of-date food to our five- month-old daughter and the consequences could have been disastrous."

A Safeway spokeswoman said: "Safeway apologises for this incident. Instances like this are extremely rare and we are very sorry. Safeway will continue to be vigilant to ensure this does not happen again in the future."