THE AA in Basingstoke has started a new scheme to produce a countrywide standard for roadside recovery.

The breakdown service has awarded a Basingstoke recovery man a nationally recognised qualification as part of the scheme.

Andrew Smith, 31, from Willoughby Way, Winklebury, achieved the NVQ for roadside assistance and recovery.

He has been working on his NVQ for two years and has helped more than three-and-a-half thousand people.

Tim Shallcross, manager of patrol training and development for the AA, said: "This will harmonise standards across the whole of the industry, helping to recognise the distinctive skills and personal characteristics demanded by the job."

"We provide a service and deal with people whose cars have broken down, making them feel better about their problem."

The award covers everything from recovery to health and safety.

Previously there was no qualification available for people entering the service.

Andy said: "It has taken a lot of time to do, and it was all my own work and time."