THE WIDOW of one of the country's top former naval commanders has come to the rescue of a Hampshire military cadet band.

Lady Margaret Fieldhouse, widow of Lord Fieldhouse, a former Admiral of the Fleet, learned of the plight of the youngsters of the Royal Marine Light Infantry Cadet Marching Band after vandals wrecked their touring bus.

She donated £1,000 to kick-start an appeal to put the band back on the road after being told the young musicians' group might have to fold because it relied on giving concerts to fund its activities.

As reported in the Daily Echo, the bus was torn apart inside by youngsters who slept in it at Priddy's Hard, Gosport.

The cadets entertain at civic, public and military events nationwide and abroad. They have performed in front of the Royal Family, at Fareham twinning celebrations in France, at the D-Day memorial event in Hampshire last year for senior military commanders, and at the Royal Tournament.

Lady Fieldhouse, who lives at Lee-on-Solent, told the cadet unit's founder, Reg Coates, she thought the attack during the Christmas and new year holiday was "ghastly".

She hoped the money would spur other donors to give money to either repair the old bus - or buy a new model or secondhand version.

Mr Coates, a former Royal Marine, said: "This is a very generous and enormously appreciated donation.''

Trevor Lewis, the unit commander, hoped to raise £10,000 for repairs or towards another vehicle, which would cost nearly £100,000. But he preferred to buy an updated bus to ensure the safety of the cadets because they covered thousands of miles a year.

lContact Trevor Lewis 02392 587147. Priory Coaches has offered free travel, meantime.