BROADLANDS has erupted in spectacular style after a huge stocking of double figure carp over the Christmas period with syndicate member Dave Grubb taking 23 carp, including 17 doubles to 24lb 7oz, from the tyre area of the lake.

Also included in the catch was an excellent tench of 8oz.

A string of other good catches included seven carp - all doubles - in a night to Lucan Mogli from peg 101.

On the pike front, Gavin Pemberton of Winchester took fish of 18lb and 20lb 2oz, while companions Chris Feely landed an 18lb and Tim Jones on 18lb 2oz, with the trio fishing on the edge of the Boat Bay.

Best pike of the week from Dave Wateridge's Bishop's Lake at Walden's Farm was an 18lb 3oz fish taken by Bill Knight of Durrington, who also took an 11lb and a jack.

On Abbots Lake, Roy Willis of Winterslow took five carp from peg 42 consisting of fish weighing 13lb, 11lb 4oz, 9lb 14oz, 9lb 13oz and 9lb 10oz taken on trout pellets.

Over at Jon Burch's Longhouse Lakes at Teffont, the best fish of the week was a 17lb 8oz fully-scaled mirror on waggler-fished paste to Burch himself from Wood Lake.

Meanwhile local Army camp angler John Gifford took nine carp to 9lb 14oz on pole and maggot over hemp and pellets from Wood Lake.

Hill Pond produced bags of small carp to 40lb, while Round Pond produced tench and crucians.