A Fareham pensioner has been robbed of her Christmas savings by two men who forced their way into her house.

When the 71-year-old woman answered a knock at the door of her Earls Road home just before 1pm yesterday, two men pushed her out of their way and went straight to where her handbag was.

They took out £400 meant for Christmas presents, and walked off towards Lower Quay.

Det Con Martin Allen, of Fareham police, said: "It was a despicable crime. It is fortunate the lady was not injured."

He said the men were described as 35-40, about 5ft 10in, with one wearing a yellow top and the other a red and black top.

He appealed for anyone who saw a vehicle in the area with two passengers matching the description to contact police.

Anyone with information should contact Det Con Allen at Fareham police station on 0845 045 4545.