LOCAL children's groups, societies and businesses in Milford-on-Sea are taking part in Save the Children's new Christmas Tree Decorating Competition on Saturday, December 16.

The trees will be on display at the Church Hall, Milford on Sea, from 10.30am-3pm.

There will be competions for separate awards and small prizes for children and adults. The decorations are certain to be original and somewhat special with an emphasis on the handmade, and every competitor will have some space to advertise their own individual interests, perhaps with small exhibitions of craft work.

The winners will be chosen by public acclaim as everybody who comes to view will be given a voting pack and asked to cast their votes for their favourite trees.

Some of the trees are being donated for resale and bids will be invited.

Refreshments, including lunchtime snacks, will be available, together with Save the Children Christmas cards and gifts and a tombola tree for the children.

There will also be a Tree of Hope for young visitors to send messages to other childrenthroughout the world.

"This is not simply a fundraising event but a joining together of the community and a fun way of involving local children and their families with the work that Save the Children does for other less fortunate children in the UK and abroad," says organiser Mickie Banks.

"The idea of the Xmas Tree Festival came from Save the Children in London where big name firms enter very elaborate displays.

"We hope that Milford's project will be equally successful but on a smaller, more personal scale emphasising the strength of the village community."