A HARROW Way School pupil has been selected as one of the nation's 'reading champions' for his contribution to the National Reading Campaign.

School librarian Jo Ray nominated Richard Borrett for his involvement in the promotion of reading over the past three years.

The Government-backed campaign promotes the work of male champions who have shown outstanding and ongoing commitment to encouraging and inspiring men, and boys in particular, to read.

Mrs Ray said: "Richard has taken part in the Carnegie Greenaway Shadowing and has encouraged younger pupils within the school to join the group.

"Richard and his father Peter also took part in a Dads and Lads reading group run by Hampshire County Council library service. The idea behind this was to get a group of fathers and sons talking about and reviewing books that would appeal to both boys and fathers."

Richard, a member of the school library team, added: "I had already read a lot of books before I joined the group, but was encouraged to read more as I discovered new authors. I love to read whenever I have a few spare minutes, quite often when I should be doing other homework!"

Richard, aged 16, was presented with a certificate and £30 worth of books at a special ceremony in Westminster.