A CRYING child saved her father from serious injury when joyriders smashed a stolen car into the front of a Southampton house.

Andy Maxwell was sitting near the patio windows of his Lordshill home when he heard two-year-old Lauren crying on an intercom system, and went upstairs.

Moments later, a red Vauxhall Cavalier, driven by four teenage joyriders, smashed into the sitting-room, showering Andy's seat with broken glass and lumps of masonry.

Andy, 30, of Sinclair Road, said: "We heard the collision and ran downstairs to find the front wheel of the car on the window frame - part of the vehicle was sticking inside the property. The Christmas tree, the presents and the decorations are all ruined. My seat was covered with glass and concrete."

A police spokesman said: "Four people were seen running from the vehicle. A dog unit carried out an extensive search in nearby woods but found no trace of the culprits."

Contact Shirley police on 0845 045 4545.