WORK is progressing on building a visitor centre at the Watercress Line in Alresford, despite an initial wobble or two.

The goods shed at Alresford railway station is set to be transformed at a cost of £465,000.

Workmen had been knocking down part of the structure by hand until the building started to move and they withdrew.

A digger was called in to move some of the walls.

Norman Atherden, the appeals fund organiser, said: "At one point the building was felt to move, and a decision was made that the building was unsafe and therefore, any further demolition would be by machine."

Mr Atherden added that the demolition had saved time although the extra cost has still to be evaluated.

When it is finished, the building will have a souvenir shop, tourist information point, exhibition area, modern toilets and a lift to a first-floor meeting room.