HE'S Totton's bonniest tot - and that's official.

Nine-month old Rorie Overy is the local Asda Bonny Baby as judged by a panel of experts - including Totton midwives.

Rorie's victory wiped the gummy smiles off 149 other babyfaces who entered the competition run by the supermarket and Pampers Nappies.

Asda manager Simon Shurville said: "We had so many entries, it was an amazingly difficult decision.

"The midwives who helped us wanted to remain anonymous for fear of accusations of being biased! They recognised a lot of the babies who entered the Asda competition."

"But we finally chose Rorie because of his smiley cheeky character, which really came through in his photo. He's a smashing little lad."

Proud mum Katie Dugard, of Southampton Road, Cadnam, was delighted with the prize of a year's supply of nappies.

"I did try the green option for nappies, but it was just too time consuming," she said.

"I have my work cut out with Rorie plus our two dogs - Boots and Ellie - who are Rorie's greatest friends."