AN Eastleigh heart went out to Scotland as it bade farewell to its First Minister Donald Dewar.

It came from leading Labour councillor Marilyn Birks who has fond memories of when Mr Dewar joined her on the Eastleigh by- election trail.

She said: "As Scotland and the nation mourns the death of Donald Dewar I wonder how many people know that Mr Dewar visited Eastleigh and indicated a great liking for the area."

Ms Birks recalled how the well- known Scottish politician supported her in the 1994 Eastleigh by-election campaign.

She said: "We both visited Eastleigh town and Bishopstoke where we met with local residents and listened to their views and opinions. What struck me was the patience and good humour with which Mr Dewar showed genuine interest and concern for both well wishers and critics.

"Over lunch at the River Inn in Bishopstoke we talked about the recent and sudden death of his long-time friend, the leader of the Labour Party John Smith.

"I knew from this conversation that Donald was determined to drive forward, once in government, the ideas and principles in which he and John Smith believed so strongly. He will be sadly missed."