A HAVEN for badgers and other wildlife is under threat from a plan to build a caf, claim seaside villagers.

The scheme to build a 30-seater caf on the beach car park at Hill Head, near Lee-On-Solent, into a mini Blackpool, say protesters.

Residents are determined to protect the open land and especially the coast against any form of building.

An ice cream van business patronising the car park off Salterns Road, and Monks Hill has applied for planning permission from Fareham Council to build the caf on apparent scrub land at one end of the car park.

Villagers say the caf would be the thin end of the wedge, in building terms, for possible future burger bars and amusement arcades on unspoiled land.

Formerly called Crofton Cliff the grass and shrub vegetation and shingle is a transit area for badgers migrating from feeding and breeding grounds.

Crofton Cliff has never been built on and villagers are anxious to guard the unspoiled nature of their coast and do not want it to be commercialised.

Borough councillor Tim Knight said: "This is an important part of the coast, both for residents who live overlooking the sea and those who care about the undeveloped spots.

"Hill Head is popular for windsurfers and sailors and we support that. We're also keen on visitors who come to enjoy the unspoiled piece of coast.

"What we don't want is for it to become like Lee-on-Solent, with burger bars and amusement arcades on the seafront. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants there for people to sit and eat. The last thing we want is for Hill Head to be a mini-Blackpool because a lot of retired people live here.''

Supporters of the caf say it will meet the needs of Hill Head's visitors and is relatively small.