HORSE owners have been warned to be on their guard after would-be thieves tried to snatch two prized animals from a Hampshire field.

A two-year-old pony called Whisper, and a nine-year-old shire horse called Pam, were found wandering in a paddock near their usual field in Botley's Tanhouse Lane.

The pair - together valued at £3,000 - were discovered unhar-med by their owners, who have not been named by police.

When the owners, who live in Tanhouse Lane, and are believed to be in their late sixties, went to check on the animals, they discovered that wire fencing around their usual field had been tampered with. There was also evidence of strap marks across one of the animals where it had been pulled and pushed during the attempted snatch.

Police believe the horse rustlers were disturbed as they attempted to lead the animals away.

Under Hampshire Constab-ulary's Horsewatch scheme, horse owners are being urged to keep up-to-date photographs of their animals.

Anyone with any information about the latest attempted snatch, which took place sometime between last Friday and Saturday, should contact WPc Hamilton at Hedge End police on 0845 045 45 45.