DEAN RICHARDS is posing a big problem for Saints boss Glenn Hoddle in the run-up to Monday's Dell clash with Manchester City.

His troublesome Achilles injury is refusing to heal and the big defender is already a doubt for the televised clash.

But Jo Tessem is ready to give the team a boost by returning to action after missing the last three matches with a badly bruised foot, which forced him to limp out of the win at Bradford and also cost him the chance of an international debut for Norway.

Although it has not yet fully healed, midfielder Tessem has resumed training this week and will play through the pain.

He said: "I am getting there. I have managed to train but we will have to see how it reacts now. I am hopeful for Monday though."

However Richards is less optimistic about the heel which was originally hurt at Mansfield.

Although he managed to play three days later at home to Middlesbrough, he hobbled off after Alen Boksic landed on it.

He said gloomily: "The problem does not seem to be clearing up and I don't know why it is taking its time. I am still hoping to be OK for Monday but it is still too early to tell."

Richards has not trained for three weeks and Hoddle admitted: "He is not responding well at the moment and that is a concern. It has inflamed and has taken a lot longer than we first thought.

"We had to pull him off at Mansfield and then at home to Middlesbrough, and the injury has not begun to heal in the way the physios would have hoped.

"He had a couple of stud marks down the back of his Achilles and it has not settled down - he is feeling it just walking, so he has lost quite a lot of fitness.

"But Jo is back in training although he is still a bit tentative. He has been told to play through the pain and see how it goes. It won't damage the injury.

"At least we didn't pick up any new injuries at Everton. Claus Lundekvam came through OK in the mask protecting his fractured cheekbone."

Ex-Saints youth goalkeeper Darryl Flahavan has been given another crack at league football.

The younger brother of Pom-pey keeper Aaron Flahavan has moved from Woking to Division 3 Southend on a free to link up with new boss Dave Webb.