AUDITIONS will be held for boy choristers in the Winchester Cathedral Choir on Saturday, November 11.

Places are available for boys aged between 7 and 10, for entry to the choir in September 2001.

The boy choristers, of whom there are around 20, are educated at The Pilgrims School on 50 per cent scholarships.

Alongside the tradition of leading worship in Winchester Cathe-dral they have given a number of concerts, including an engagement in the Royal Albert Hall with soprano Lesley Garrett. She enjoyed their singing so much she invited them to appear in her television series last spring.

The choir recorded Messiah for Meridian TV and a Tallis mass for Hyperion records.

More details about becoming a boy chorister are available from the school on 01962 854189.

Auditions for girl chorister-ships will be held on February 10.