Friends Provident are set to delight Saints fans by adding an historical aspect to the name of the new stadium.

The original decision to call the new ground The Friends Provident Stadium has been greeted by protests from supporters unhappy at the lack of heritage in the title.

But now the financial services company, who have secured the naming rights for the next five years, have responded quickly and positively.

They today pledged to have a re-think taking into account the dozens of letters and e-mails received by the club and the Echo.

Brian Wilkinson, head of communications at Friends Provident said: "We are going to be part of this club for at least five more years and we want to work closely in harmony with the supporters.

"We have taken note of their concerns and are more than happy to reflect the club's heritage in the title.

"We are listening and we are prepared to consider appropriate ideas although clearly there has to be a balance with the reality that we are the naming rights sponsors in common with other deals of this sort.

"We will be talking it over during the next few days and hope to make an announcement next week. But we will be listening sympathetically to fans to make sure we come up with something which we hope will please the majority.

"We are very much committed to working with the community. We have the same outlook on that as Saints which is why we were attracted to them in the first place so I can assure fans we want to be Friends to them."

Chairman Rupert Lowe has always favoured a name for the new stadium which brings together the sponsor, the club's heritage and the community and he is delighted to hear that Friends Provident are in tune with the supporters.

He said: "It is good news. Friends Provident are very decent people and they care deeply about the views of the fans and they have listened in a very pleasing way.

"I am delighted they will now be incorporating an historical name although most people will understand the need to have the sponsors name too."

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