YOUTH power is set to make its mark with youngsters encouraged to join a fledgling forum for teenagers.

The multi-agency Shout Out team is visiting schools in the Fareham area, urging pupils to voice their concerns.

Eventually, the forum will become a formal youth council, organised by Hampshire County Council and Fareham Borough Council.

A youth council will be officially enshrined with its rules and powers and could even contribute directly to borough and county councils. The youth councils would have to ask to be represented or to speak at council meetings.

County youth worker Maggie Morgan is helping create the youth forum. She said: "The ultimate aim is to help young people have a say in the decision-making of local authorities and other groups and agencies.

"At present young people feel they don't have a voice and are not empowered. They are affected by so many decisions of local councils, but usually don't have any say in what is decided at all.''

She and the Shout Out team visited Brookfield School, Sarisbury Green, during the children's lunch-break and told pupils how they could play an important role in the way their lives are affected.

The first meeting of the forum is on Wednesday, October 25, at the youth centre on Trinity Street, Fareham, from midday, during half-term.

A youth conference is to be held at Fernham Hall, Fareham, on March 7 next year, where the council is due to be formally created.

The Shout Team is backed by Fareham council, Fareham Community Action and Hampshire county youth services and education.

Ms Morgan said major youth concerns included poor transport links and a lack of a cinema in Fareham.

Anyone interested in joining the youth council can call 01489 578997, or 01329 516744.

Fareham Council is surveying young people's concerns to form its youth strategy. Youngsters aged 11 to 18 are asked to fill in questionnaires, available from Janie Albrow tel: 01329 824597.

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