SOUTHAMPTON'S teenage superstar Craig David was the toast of the prestigious Mobo Awards last night after picking up three prizes to crown a remarkable first year in the music business.

The 19-year-old - the youngest male solo star to go into the singles chart at number one - was rewarded as best UK newcomer and best R&B act at the star-studded bash in London's Alexandra Palace.

And his track Fill Me In, the first of his two chart-toppers, was named best UK single at the fifth annual awards which reward the best Music Of Black Origin.

Picking up his award for best UK single, a clearly delighted Craig said: "Well, tonight's been absolutely superb."

After thanking a string of industry figures he added: "It's been a great opportunity to stand up and do my thing. And most of all thank you to everybody who has thought of me."

Earlier Craig showed his versatility by performing a medley of his songs with just an acoustic guitar for accompaniment.

However, his performance meant he was still backstage changing when he should have been collecting his award for Best UK Newcomer.

Out of breath as he arrived on stage, he told the audience: "I've never run so fast in my life.

"Starting off in Southampton writing a few songs, and watching this last year, I was thinking maybe I could perform. Thank you ever so much, it's appreciated."

Having started DJ-ing at the tender age of 14, Craig has hit the big time and is now viewed as a figurehead for the UK garage and R&B scenes.

He had secured six nominations for the Mobos - the highest number since the awards began. Two of the nominations were with fellow Southampton- DJ's Artful Dodger including the song Women Trouble which was beaten to the best single title by his track Fill Me In.

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