A FESTIVE jobs bonanza has been announced for Southampton's WestQuay.

Up to 1,000 positions will be created at the shopping centre to cope with the shopping rush in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

And as many as 500 of the temporary vacancies could be made into permanent positions in the new year.

Most of the 3,500 jobs initially created by the £295 million complex have already been filled since it opened last Thursday.

But the huge crowds seen at the Southampton centre in its first week means that even more staff are needed for the expected festive frenzy.

Lena Samuels, co-ordinator for recruitment team WestQuay 2000, said that many retailers had been taken by surprise at the centre's immediate massive popularity. Around 500,000 people have already flocked to the mall in just seven days.

Ms Samuels said: "Because West Quay has been so incredibly successful since it opened its doors, it has meant that the retailers have had to think again about the level of staffing needed.

"I think everyone has been pleasantly overwhelmed by the number of people and it means they need additional staff."

She added that most of the vacancies, both part-time and full-time, will be available from the end of October, and many could become permanent.

"The people that are taken on now are more likely to be kept on by the retailers," said Ms Samuels.

"I think that around 50 per cent of the jobs could be made permanent.

"The jobs available will be right across the spectrum, from customer service staff to supervisors, and will include many of the retailers."

WestQuay 2000 advisors will be at the centre this weekend, from 10am-4pm, to promote the opportunities available.

They have created a single application form to build up a skills register so they can pinpoint a person's skills and experience, and match them to a suitable vacancy.

Details are also available at the information desk in West Quay or by ringing 0845 606 0234.

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.