ONE of Britain's leading businessmen, Sir Brian Pitman, will be at Winchester Guildhall next Tuesday with a warning: "There'll soon be only two kinds of managers - the quick and the dead.''

Sir Brian, chairman of Lloyds TSB and Next, will be talking to members of the Institute of Directors and guests about the challenges of the new global environment.

He said: "It is often said that we live in a time of change, but what we see at present is more than that. Change implies simply moving on from where we are in a process of evolution. What we are managing today is not evolution or even rapid change. What we are managing is transformation.''

Institute branch chairman, Mike Pawley, said the meeting will be the biggest the branch has organised for some time. Members and guests will start with a champagne reception at 6.30pm and after Sir Brian's talk there will be a buffet supper.

Bookings are being taken on 01962 856961.

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