NIGEL Rawson has a big, sweet-smelling order on his hands which appropriately comes from the owners of the largest cruise liner in the world, Explorer of the Seas, due to arrive in Southampton today.

For the past few days Nigel and his eight-strong team of experts have been working non-stop to create a staggering 600 floral displays which will decorate all the main areas on the 142,000-ton megaliner.

The displays, which will use up to 15,000 individual blooms, will be ferried in lorries and vans from Nigel's shop in Locks Heath to the quayside tomorrow morning in time to greet thousands of VIP guests as they board the ship.

Owned by cruise line, Royal Caribbean International, Explorer of the Seas is due to come alongside 38/9 berth in the city's Eastern Docks this afternoon after leaving the shipyard in Finland, where the massive vessel was built, en route for New York.

During her time in Southampton representatives from the shipping and travel industries from all over the world will have their first glimpse of the ship.

A florist for the past 15 years, Nigel, who also has a shop in Fareham, said: "Although we have worked for the shipping line for sometime this is the biggest single order we have ever had.

"As it is for Royal Caribbean the company wanted exotic flowers, so some have come from as far away as South America and Australia as these are the only places where some varieties are in season.''

Some of the elaborate displays, which will be seen in all the restaurants, the top-of-the-range suites and even the captain's cabin, will be more than 3ft high.

"It is going to be a time-consuming job getting the flowers on board as every display has to be carried carefully on to the ship."

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