METAL polish is top of the shopping list for these two Waterside athletes - both look likely to have plenty of silverware to clean.

Toni Withers, 16, and Pete Fields, 18, are Totton College students, and both are in the top flight of their chosen sports.

Dibden Purlieu girl Toni, formerly of Noadswood School, won a bronze medal at the British Sports Aerobics Championships, despite having an ankle operation only weeks earlier.

She said: "Sports Aerobics is something different - very strong, lots of floor work and balances.

"I hope to make the senior British squad for the world championships in a couple of years' time."

World Championship status also beckons for rower Pete Fields from Totton.

He holds the world silver medal in his age group for indoor rowing, and has just recaptured the British gold medal and smashed the British record by covering 2,000 metres in six minutes flat. Pete knocked point-eight of a second off the long-standing record for 18-and-under, at the national Indoor Rowing Championships in Reading last week.

As well as rowing himself into the record books, Pete has rowed himself into a career. The 6ft 10in athlete has been talent-spotted by top Thames rowing club Leander - base of Olympic rowers Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent.

Pete said: "It means giving up my courses at Totton College to take up rowing full time. In six months, I should be in the national under-23 rowing squad, and my ultimate aim is the 2004 Olympics," said Pete.

He plans to raise funds by working as a personal fitness trainer - contactable through Totton College on 01703 874874.

College spokeswoman Marilyn Morris said: "We are sorry to be losing Pete. But he has certainly done his bit to promote Totton College and Sports Academy."

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