PUPILS from Tankerville Special School in Eastleigh were bowled over with the chance of a free Christmas lunch.

Ten youngsters aged between ten and 17 enjoyed a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, courtesy of the town's Banister Park Indoor Bowling Club.

They were welcomed by Santa and received gifts and a cheque for £100, raised through a club raffle. In return they serenaded their hosts with carols.

The lunch is likely to become an annual date on the calendar, with the Stoneham Lane club naming the school as one of its chosen charities.

Club secretary Bryan Corben said: "We had eight or nine members serving them, and everyone enjoyed it. It was brilliant."

Tankerville teacher Malcolm Vicary said: "All the children were looking forward to going. The club went to a lot of trouble to prepare decorations and the table. It was a lovely meal and a great success."

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