A SMALL corner of Eastleigh is helping to highlight a campaign aimed at raising the awareness of breast cancer.

Mayor Jane Welsh helped to plant 1,000 crocus bulbs which will bring a splash of colour to flower beds at the borough's civic offices next spring.

The flowers will be in memory of the 1,000 women who die from the disease each month in the UK.

The move is part of the Cover Britain in Crocuses campaign organised by the research charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and will help raise money for vital research through the sale of crocus pin badges.

Mrs Welsh said: "One of my charities this year is Combat Cancer and I am more than happy to support the work of the organisation which works for the prevention of cancer.

"I am aware that breast cancer strikes as many as one in 12 women in the UK so anything that reduces this incidence is to be welcomed."

Spring 2000 will see people from across the country taking part in sponsored Mother's Day crocus walks.

Charity chief executive Delyth Morgan said: "Breast cancer is the biggest health issue affecting women in the UK today.

"We want all our activities next spring to signal the start of a new millennium of hope and another step towards eradicating breast cancer completely."

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