A CONVICTED racist who drove a couple out of their home following a year-long campaign of abuse is to be evicted from his Hampshire council flat.

For the second time this year, Southampton City Council has won a case to throw out one of its tenants on the grounds of racial harassment. And housing chiefs today warned they would not hesitate to kick out other racists from council properties.

The latest tenant to be evicted, Charlie Anderson, 45, now has just one week to get out of his James Street flat.

A county court heard he had terrorised a mixed-race couple, subjecting them to a year-long torrent of abuse.

His case was heard by Judge Ainsworth, who in January ordered three families from Mandela Way estate in Shirley out of their homes on similar grounds.

The latest victims, both in their 50s, had to be rehomed by the council because they couldn't cope with the stream of racist abuse.

Racial development officer Don John said the couple - whom the Daily Echo have agreed not to name - were kept awake every night by Anderson banging on the wall, shouting abuse.

Housing chief Paul Jenks said the case was signifi-cant - showing that people could be evicted for harassment even after the victims of their abuse have moved away.

"We have had cases where black and ethnic minorities in housing need have turned down council homes because they've had abuse shouted at them. This court case has proved this is not acceptable - and we can take action against all abusers."

But Mr Anderson told the Daily Echo: "On two occasions I used ethnically incorrect words which I regret and said I regretted in court."

He added: "On one occasion I said to him 'You should be shot' - that's a common phrase where I come from but in the police report it came out sounding worse.

"They've made me out to be running round town wearing a big white pointy hat. They've made an example of me."

Anderson was jailed for four months by city magistrates last December after being convicted of racially harassing the couple.

He was found guilty of two charges of inciting racial hatred and intentional harassment.

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