IWAN THOMAS will be undergoing a scan tomorrow that could sway his entire season.

Worryingly, Southampton's European and Commonwealth 400 metres champion has yet to step foot on a track this summer due to an ankle injury and the big fear is that if he doesn't get into his running soon it could sabo-tage his chances for August's World Championships in Seville.

Already the 25-year-old from Netley has fallen way behind in his training programme and his race schedule is about to suffer too.

Ideally he would have kicked off with a run-out on the continent early next month - probably Tuesday week's IAAF Grand Prix II meet in Bratislava - but there is no way he will make that now.

And even if he gets the all-clear when the scan results come through on Friday, it's highly doubtful he will be ready in time for the European Cup in Paris on June 19-20.

Thomas's more realistic target would be the first of the big domestic Grand Prix meets at Gateshead on June 27 but he may not relish the prospect of a showdown with his great British rival Mark Richardson if he is less than fully fit.

Said Thomas: "It's all depen-dent on what the specialist says on Friday. Hopefully he will tell me that the bruising on the ankle is healing but until then I can't make any plans."

What matters ultimately to Thomas is being in tip-top shape for the World Championship Trials/AAA Championships in Birmingham on July 23-25 where he will have to withstand the added pressure of running three rounds in as many days.

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.