FEARS for the public's safety have been sparked by the disappearance of a potentially violent man from a psychiatric unit in Hampshire.

Police are warning members of the public not to approach Stuart Gibbens who disappeared from the secure unit in Fareham on Monday.

He was reported missing by staff at Ravenswood House at 5pm.

The 21-year-old has a history of violence and police fear he might not have taken the necessary medication he has with him.

He is believed to have travelled to the Hythe area, where he has family.

A Hampshire police spokesman said: "Stuart might become violent if approached and members of the public who see him are urged not to approach him but to call police immediately. "He has been violent in the past."

All police stations in the Southampton area have been circulated with a description of Gibbens, who needs to be found to ascertain that he has taken his proper medication.

His family in Hythe has also been alerted. They declined to comment about his disappearance. Gibbens, pictured, is described as white, 5ft 10ins tall, with blue eyes, short blond hair, with a pierced lip and of medium/large build.

He has a number of tattoos, including a cobweb on his right arm and hand. He was wearing a blue top and orange trousers.

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