FINDING an accountant to suit the needs of a business has been simplified with the setting up in Hampshire of the first com-prehensive database of qualified experts.

Accessible on-line at the Business Link Hampshire web address, it allows users to enter their postcode and size of business, then select the competencies they require of a potential accountant, choose any specialist areas of expertise, define the role to be fulfilled and the maximum price that they wish to pay.

The screen then displays all those accountants that meet the criteria. If too many, the user can go back and refine his/her needs; too few, and they can be broadened. When they feel they have the right number of names, they can print them off or save them on a computer.

Anyone without internet access can phone Lo-call 0345 35 45 55 and ask the information officers at Business Link Hampshire to conduct the search on their behalf.

Also available on the site is a best practice guide on how to choose the right accountant, with help on deciding the criteria, making a selection and the formal process of engagement.

"Hampshire is leading the way in this initiative, as this is the first listing to help local enterprise that has been put together and made available for business people to search for themselves," said Jacky Stevens, chief executive of Business Link Hampshire.

"We believe the service is an essential first step for any business needing an accountant and will also be useful for established businesses who have a need of an accoun-tant with a particular area of expertise. It will be a useful aid for start-up firms."

The database has come about with the co-operation of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), whose local representatives have worked with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Business Links.

Hampshire is one of nine areas taking part in a national project to enhance the way in which Business Link and the accountancy profession are able to work closely together. Access the site at:

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