AS the search continues for the 1999 Secretary of the Year, one possible contender for this year's title could be a man. Del Adkins is one of the few male secretaries on the South Coast.

He has worked as a PA to a male boss for the past eight months at an American plywood company based in Bournemouth.

Del reckons secretarial work doesn't have to be the domain of the female.

"Being a good PA is not about what sex you are but about the ability to run the office when the boss isn't there," said Del. "People often joke and say men can't think about more than one thing at a time, but that's not true."

He added; "One of the reasons I like secretarial work is because it's so varied. It's not about sitting in front of a screen all day. I do everything from the accounts to the website, and I'm off to America soon on business."

In a very male-orientated company, Del says his role as a secretary is respected and he is treated like one of the lads.

His boss, Duncan King, said: "I immediately found an affini-ty with Del who is an extremely professional individual. Performance-wise, I'd even go as far as to say he is superior to any female secre-tary I've employed."

The Secretary of the Year awards are sponsored by Barker Personnel and backed by the Daily Echo and carry a top prize of £1,000.

We are asking bosses of South Coast companies to nominate secretarial staff as the Junior Secretary of the Year, for best keyboard skills and as the Secretary of the Year.

To find out more about the Secretary of the Year awards and how you can nominate an employee telephone 01962 841827 or see your Southern Daily Echo on Tuesday.

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.