LOSING weight can be challenging enough but promising to do so to raise money for your grandson's special school made it all the more worthwhile for one Southampton man.

When David Staines, 59, gave up smoking his weight escalated along with his unhealthy lifestyle and his doctor issued him with a health warning after his weight ballooned up to 19 stone and had increased his blood pressure.

The Rose Road volunteer decided to not only lose the excess weight but to also raise money for charity as his grandson Reece attends its Rosewood School in Aldermoor Road. He said: "Like all children at Rosewood School, Reece has multiple disabilities and learning problems.

"As time goes by I am able to spend more time at the school as a volunteer and realise how much dedication and time is spent on the children by all the staff.

"It is also noticeable how much difference even small amounts of extra funding can make to the facilities that are available to assist in this progress."

David, of Fawley, kickstarted his weight loss programme in February 2005 and has already passed his original target of getting down to 15 stone.

At his latest weigh-in during Rosewood School's final assembly before Easter, David weighed in at 11 stone four pounds. He said: "I feel so healthy now. It's fantastic and in doing so I have raised money through this Sponsored Slim for Rose Road.

"I want to thank all the many friends and family who have supported me and given me encouragement."

To sponsor David or to offer any donations call the Rose Road Association on 023 8072 1234.

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