ONE of Hampshire's top secondary schools has been declared "outstanding" by inspectors.

Wildern School in Hedge End received the highest possible accolade from the Office for Standards in education (Ofsted) inspection team.

They praised the high quality of leadership, teaching and learning at the school, in Wildern Lane, and praised the "Wildern experience" on offer to all 1,807 pupils.

Head teacher Jeffery Threlfall was singled out for his inspirational leadership. Teachers were praised for their lively lessons and pupils for their desire to learn.

The school was also complemented for its first-class facilities, including an arts centre, ICT suites, and virtual learning environment Web-based service.

Inspectors found that pupils were proud of their school and the opportunities it offered them, both in and out of the classroom.

Mr Threlfall said the school was successful because of the high quality of teaching and learning.

"We have also worked hard to have a first-class environment with outstanding facilities," he said.

He said it was important that pupils enjoyed their experience at Wildern School.

"The key to youngsters being successful is their attitude to learning. We want to ensure that youngsters have a positive attitude to learning."

Inspectors praised the school's innovative curriculum and the extracurricular activities on offer.

Work is currently under way on a digital lecture theatre that will double as a 100-seat community cinema.

Mr Threlfall said: "We always want to see where we can go next as a school. The work is never finished in terms of developing further opportunities for youngsters and developing their learning experience.

"You can never take your eye off the ball in ensuring that the quality of teaching is high."

High educational standards mean that every year the school is oversubscribed. Parents of 41 children who failed to secure a place for this September are currently appealing against the decision.