A BEAUTIFULLY decorated fireplace, together with a bauble-laden tree, makes a fabulous focal point at Christmas.

There's nothing that sets the scene for Christmas more than a roaring open fire.

For as long as I can remember, we've always lit our fire on Christmas Eve and I think that is when our home looks its festive best.

Traditionally, the Yule log was dragged home on Christmas Eve and kept burning on the hearth for the 12 days of Christmas for good luck.

But before you start to adorn your fireplace in festive splendour, there are a few basic rules for decorating it safely.

Remember that a working fire - solid fuel, gas or gel - burns at a high temperature, so don't put any of the following too near to the burning fire bed: inflammable materials such as paper or plastics; inflammable liquids such as fire gels or spirit; candles that might melt and damage expensive marble fireplaces or carpets; anything metal that might heat up and then be touched by a child

Put your presents around a Christmas tree rather than the hearth. Remember that the temperature under a fire can be as high as 800C, which can damage or distort delicate presents such as CDs or electronic equipment

Don't secure paper decorations immediately above an open fire. If they fall down, often because the heat from the fire has dried out the glue, they could fall on an untendered fire

Remember that a hearth not only stops burning material from the fire falling onto a combustible floor or floor covering, but it also acts as a tangible barrier to getting too close to the fire. Stop rugs riding up over the hearth and don't decorate it with any material that might hide its presence

Do use a fireguard if you have very young or very old guests in your house over Christmas. Although a fireguard can detract from the fireplace, if you are burning a real fire it is a safety essential.

If you're just looking to dress your fireplace rather than use it, why not try a collection of fir cones and small "designer" logs to give the effect?

The fireplace can also look fabulous with an arrangement of festive flowers and foliage.