Sir.-I would sincerely like to thank all the residents of Hatch Warren and Beggarwood for their support during the recent election campaign.

It is an honour to serve you all and we have much work to do, especially in the new estates on Beggarwood, to strengthen the growing community there and build on the success of the Hatch Warren community.

I look forward to representing all of the residents and remain available to you at any time.

-Cllr Phil Heath, Hatch Warren and Beggarwood Ward, Primrose Gardens, Basingstoke.

Sir.-I would like to thank all of the residents of Overton who voted for and supported my campaign.

A very special thank you to Melvin and Sue Byles and the Overton branch of the Conserva-tive Association for all their hard work which, while unsuccessful this time, gives us a strong platform for future campaigns.

There is now the opportunity to deliver the Conservative pledges to the people of Overton with the anticipated new Conservative administration on the borough council.

I will continue to work for you and with you.

-Marion Jones, Conservative candidate.