CHINEHAM Parish Council met last Monday: The annual elections for chairman of the parish council and various committees took place, with Chris Tomblin receiving unanimous support to continue as chairman. Martin Adams is also likely to continue as vice-chairman.

The council was delighted to learn that the assistant clerk, Gillian Baker, would shortly be returning to the fold, following a prolonged period of ill health.

BUS shelters: It was agreed that bus shelters should be installed on Hanmore Road, near the Chineham Arms, and on Reading Road, near Merrydown Lane. The existing shelter on Thornhill Way is to be replaced with a better one.

LOCAL elections: The local elections saw Martin Biermann retain his seat as a Chineham representative on the borough council.

He can be contacted via his council e-mail address: or by telephone on 352434.

CHINEHAM Conservation Group: Is organising an evening "Bat Walk" on Friday, May 26. More details next week.