SHE FLEW through the air with the greatest of ease propelled by those magnificent men in their flying machines.

Daily Echo events co-ordinator Carol Hogg took to the skies perched perilously on top of a stunt aircraft and came back down to earth begging for more.

Intrepid Carol, 37, wing walked 700ft above Goodwoood motor racing circuit reaching speeds of around 160mph.

She hurtled round in the skies above the airfield waving to crowds down below helped by the stunt pilots from the Utterly Butterly wing walking team before coming down to earth without so much as a bump.

Speaking after her flight Carol said: "I was not scared at all. I was determined I was not going to hold on. It was awesome and fantastic. I would definitely do it again."

The Utterly Butterly wing walking team is just one of the attractions at the Daily Echo backed HMS Sultan Summer Show in Gosport on June 24 and 25.

The event is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

This year's event promises to be bigger and better than ever. There will be shows by the Rockwood Dog Display Team and the Flying Gunners Motor Cycle Display Team as well as the fearsome Titan the Robot. Other old favourites at the show will be the petting zoo, the World Cup theme village fete, a steam fair, a classic car display, and a Festival Circus which features the K9 freestyle dog display.

Event organisers have even set up giant TV screens so World Cup fans can catch the big match action. Between 10,000 and 12,000 visitors are expected to the show each day with all cash raised being donated to local and naval charities including Gosport War Memorial Hospital, The Rocky Appeal, the Lord Mayor of Gosport's Appeal and the Rowans Hospice.

The show has raised £70,000 over the past four years alone for charity and hopes that this year's event will be as exciting as last year's which saw record-breaking crowds basking in the June sunshine.

In addition, service personnel will be staging a special Friday night event for around 450 disadvantaged and disabled children and their carers which will give them the chance to take part in events on their own.

Lieutenant Commander Robbie Robertson from HMS Sultan said: "It is the biggest show in Gosport Peninsula and is our way of saying a massive thank you to the people in Gosport who have supported us over the years."