A COUPLE accused of fabricating a rape complaint have walked free from court after the case against them collapsed on the fifth day of their trial.

Jurors were directed to acquit Matthew Williams and Kelly Hargreaves following a morning conference between the Crown’s psychiatrist and a psychologist as well as a second psychiatrist for the defence. The couple had denied attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Tom Wright, prosecuting at Southampton Crown Court, reminded jurors the central issue in the case was intent.

“If it remained a possibility they were deluded about events that night or genuinely mistaken about what they told the police, it would be your duty to acquit them.

“When I opened the case, my expert’s view was that you could rule out delusion, but having spoken to colleagues, my expert is no longer so sure and is not able to exclude the possibility.”

The prosecution had initially alleged Hargreaves and Williams had made up a story she had been raped to secure a move from their flat in Winderermere Avenue, Millbrook. They had problems with neighbours who believed they had “grassed” to the police.

Hargreaves claimed she had been tied to railings outside Millbrook Towers where she was raped by two men.

Williams said he was held down and was powerless to help her.

Opening the trial, prosecutor Tom Wright had told the court the couple had contacted the police claiming Hargreaves had been raped outside the block of flats where they had earlier taken amphetamines with friends and had their drinks spiked.

Jurors also heard that Williams and Hargreaves were on medication for depression and anxiety after an angry mob had gathered outside their two-bedroom flat and smashed their windows.

Lawyers defending the couple said the couple had genuinely believed the attack had happened.

The jury heard evidence from PC Kristen Burton, who described Hargreaves as “distressed, crying and visibly upset” during an interview after she made the allegation.

PC Burton told how Hargreaves had thought she had been tied up by her ankles, her hair had been pulled and her mobile phone and keys had gone missing.

The couple, both 29, who have married since being charged, now live at Broadsfield Avenue, Cowes.