A TEENAGER died when she slipped and fell on to train tracks on her way home from a night out.

The 18-year-old was taking a short cut with a group of friends when she lost her balance and fell on to the live rail.

Up to six friends watched in horror as she was electrocuted in front of them.

Despite frantic efforts to revive her and raise the alarm, she was declared dead by paramedics at the scene.

It is thought the group was walking alongside the tracks as a short cut home and had stopped to light a cigarette when the tragedy happened.

It is understood the girl's partner was among the group of friends who tried to save her.

Hampshire Ambulance Service confirmed one of its crews had attended the scene with paramedics and a doctor but that despite their efforts there was nothing they could do to save the teenager, who has not been identified but is from the Eastleigh area.