Miedzynarodowy jezyk pilki noznej mwi sam za siebie.

Stworzenie nowego zespolu pilki noznej dla dzieci napawa nadzieja na lepsza przyszlosc dla polskich dzieci w Southampton.

Glwnym celem organizatorw jest integracja mlodziezy rznych kultur zarwno na, jak i poza boiskiem.

Czlonkowie nowego klubu po raz pierwszy spotkali sie w maju, w druga rocznice wstapienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej.

Okolo 45 chlopcw i dziewczynek w wieku od 6 lat wzwyz stanowi obecnie czesc wyjatkowego zespolu, do ktrego moze dolaczyc kazdy, niezaleznie od narodowosci.

Podczas gdy wiekszosc zespolu stanowia Polacy, jest tez kilkoro dzieci innych narodowosci, daje nadzieje na ciagly rozwj druzyny.

Barbara Storey, menadzer druzyny, powiedziala Daily Echo: "Jest to tak wazne dla spolecznosci polskiej, zwlaszcza dla dzieci, posrd ktrych wiele nie mwi po angielsku, a pilka nozna jest jezykiem miedzynarodowym, zrozumialym dla kazdego".

"Miejmy nadzieje, ze poprzez gre nabiora pewnosci jezykowej i zaczna rozmawiac z kolegami i kolezankami z klasy, co moze zachecic ich do dolaczenia do druzyny.

"Gra w pilke nozna jest wspaniala okazja do zawierania przyjazni. To wspaniale, ze jest tu tyle dzieci z rodzicami."

Druzyna o nazwie Lingland, bedzie prowadzona przez Andrzeja Konwinskiego, profesjonalnego trenera z Polski.

Treningi odbywaja sie trzy razy w tygodniu w szkole Mount Pleasant Junior School na St Mary's.

"Uwazam, ze jest to wspaniala okazja dla dzieci by nabrac formy i poznac nowych przyjacil", powiedzial pan Konwinski.

Druzyna dziecieca zostala stworzona po wielu sukcesach druzyny seniorw FC Poland, ktra obecnie ma swoja siedzibe w Southampton Sports Centre.

Po zwycieskiej passie w Solent Churches League, w nowym sezonie czeka ich wystep w miejskim Sunday League.

n Aby uzyskac wiecej infomacji na temat obu druzyn, nalezy skontaktowac sie z Barbara Storey w S.O.S. Polonia, pod numerem telefonu 023 8023 3722.

Team spirit shown on the pitch

THE international language of football speaks volumes. In Southampton it is hoped that the creation of new children's football team will help to kick off a bright future for Polish children in the city.

The end goal for organisers is to bring youngsters of all nationalities together both on and off the pitch.

The new club met for the first time in May on the second anniversary of Poland becoming part of the European Union.

Around 45 boys and girls from as young as six are now part of the unique team which anyone of any nationality can join.

While the vast majority are currently Polish, there are a few children from other nationalities and it is hoped that this will grow and grow.

Barbara Storey, team manager, told the Daily Echo: "This is so important for the Polish community and especially the children as many of them don't speak English and football is an international language which everyone understands.

"Hopefully by playing football they will have the confidence to speak to their classmates and maybe get them to join the team too.

"Football is a great catalyst to make friends. There are so many children here with their parents, it's wonderful."

The team called Lingland will be coached by Andrzej Konwinski, a professional football coach from Poland.

The team meets three times a week at Mount Pleasant Junior School in St Mary's.

Mr Konwinski, said: "I think this is a very good opportunity for the children to get fit and make friends."

The children's team was founded after the run-away success of the senior FC Poland team, now based at Southampton Sports Centre.

After an undefeated run in the Solent Churches League, they are due to start playing in the city's Sunday League next season.

n For more information on either team, contact Barbara Storey at S.O.S. Polonia on 023 8023 3722.