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IT’S a “good” school that’s getting better all the time.

That was the positive feedback from Ofsted after its inspector visited Testwood Sports College, in Test Lane, Totton.

And head Ian Appleton says it’s all thanks to the hard work of the governors and staff.

He said: “It’s their hard work and commitment that has led to this very happy outcome.

“It is most reassuring that the inspectors have been able to comment so favourably on our school.”

In his report, inspector James Sage described the school, in Test Lane, as friendly, safe and welcoming with well-behaved pupils, who look after each other.

He said: “This is a good and improving school.

“Students enter the school with below average attainment and make good progress.”

Pupils achieve because, where necessary, their progress was “considerably enhanced by effective mentoring”.

There were also good progression routes on to post-16 courses, he wrote, because youngsters were encouraged to think about jobs and training. Students also made the most of the extensive range of sporting and other activities and achieved well in them.

Teaching was identified as one area needing improvement.

Although satisfactory, Mr Sage said lessons needed to be more clearer, challenging and involving. But he said he was confident the school leaders could achieve this.

Rachel White, a Year 11 student, said the school was a happy place. She said: “Lessons are really good and help us to learn so that we are prepared for our futures.

“There are so many opportunities.”